Saturday, June 20, 2009

Human Growth Hormone (hGH) is produced by the pituitary gland, and instrumental in controlling muscle and bone growth, as well as reducing our levels of body fat.

HGH stimulates the liver and other tissues to secrete IGF-I. This, in turn, stimulates cartilage cells and bone growth, and plays a major role in muscle growth. It also encourages amino acid uptake and protein synthesis within muscle and other tissues in the body.

Growth hormone production is influenced by many factors, including growth hormone itself, as well as stress levels, exercise, nutrition and how much sleep a person averages. Levels decline naturally with age, and by the time an individual is 60, he or she will have approximately 80% less growth hormone than when they were 20. Signs of hGH depletion include increased body fat, increased anxiety, social isolation, poor general health, and an overall lack of well being.

Anti-Aging And General Health Benefits

In 1988 Dr. Daniel Rudman conducted a study where hGH was administered to elderly patients on a daily basis. The study noted an improvement in well being, a reduced number of fat cells, increased lean muscle mass, reduced incidence of depression, and after some months, greater skin thickness and elasticity. hGH is thought to enhance and strengthen the immune system, lessen the incidence of infection, improve recovery rates following an illness, and may moderate the impact of allergies and immune related diseases.

hGH also has important consequences for protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

It is known to affect:

ü Cell growth (especially that of muscles)

ü Organ growth

ü Skeletal growth

ü Tissue growth

ü Protein, carbohydrate, mineral and lipid metabolism

ü Connective tissue and bone metabolism

In 1990, the New England Journal of Medicine published research in which Hgh was used to treat 12 men over the age of 60. The study illustrated statistically significant increases in lean body mass and bone mineral density.

IAS offers the Genotropin MiniQuick cartridge, Saizen® 4 IU and 24 IU injectable, and the easy-to-use Easy-Click ® pen. The cartridge has two sections, one containing powder with the active ingredient called somatropin (rbe) which is not made from human or animal tissue, and the other containing a liquid. The pen has the advantage of delivering an accurate and controlled dosage each time. 08/29/2007 GI

Caution: be advised that some countries, such as Australia, Brazil, Canada and Norway have made HGH a controlled substance.


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