Saturday, June 20, 2009
Let's learn about anti aging foods...Have you heard that the key to staying young is eating right? Perhaps you've also heard that there are certain foods that have special properties, unique components that make them literally antiaging food. There is a lot of misinformation out there about aging and how to prevent it, but the advice we are receiving about eating well is something we would all do well to pay attention to.
Antiaging food seems too good to be true: could it really be that easy? As scientific research reveals more and more about how the human body works, what foods promote a healthy body, and what foods cause physical stress, it is becoming evident that many of the life threatening diseases experienced by aging people are the result of an unhealthy lifestyle and a poor diet. Viewed from this perspective, any foods that form part of a healthy diet might be considered anti aging foods, but it's also true that some foods in particular seem to have unusual properties.
The largest group of these anti aging foods are the ones that contain antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules that clear away free radicals, damaging particles that damage body cells and accelerate aging. Free radicals are always being produced in our bodies, so antioxidants are constantly needed to remove the free radicals before they have a change to do damage. Many foods, particularly fruits, vegetables, and whole grains contain antioxidants, while a few are astonishingly high in these beneficial antiaging food molecules. Three of the best are blueberries, red kidney beans, and cranberries.
All of this current information on anti aging foods can be used together to design a diet that is both healthy for the body in general and helpful for avoiding the typical signs of aging. Such a diet would avoid consuming pesticides and other toxins as much as possible (organic foods are best for this), as well as foods that are high in fat, salt, and sugar. Grains should be whole grains because the body converts the sugar in these carbohydrate sources at a slow and steady pace (to learn more about this, read about the glycemic index). Antiaging food stars are the whole vegetables and fruits. Proteins should come primarily from beans, nuts, and seafood, with a minimum of dairy, poultry and red meat products. Healthy fats include olive oil and, to a lesser extent, other vegetable oils - avoid trans fats and saturated fats as much as possible.
Though, for many people, adopting a diet of anti aging foods may seem like a drastic and difficult task, most people quickly discover a feeling of increased wellbeing, and gradually come to enjoy eating these wholesome healthful foods. And they are able to enjoy good health longer into their senior years. Anti aging foods are definitely worth a try. Supplementation can also ensure that you get the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients you need, as sometimes even the most well-balanced diet is lacking in some essentials.
Featured Anti Aging Supplement
About a year ago we discovered a special antiaging supplement called Total Balance, a breakthrough natural formula with special nutrients that can slow down the aging process and promote vitality and wellbeing.
Take a look at this unique dietary supplement and discover how you can prevent premature aging today.
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