Monday, March 8, 2010

If there’s anything I’ve learned from watching hundreds of romantic comedies, it’s that beautiful women just can’t get a date. Do I have that right, Jessica Alba?

The observation makes her laugh. “I think a lot of romantic comedies show people super in love, with happy endings, and they don’t depict real life,” Alba says, sort of sidestepping the question. Not so in the movie Valentine’s Day, which opens in theatres nationally on Friday. The A-list-crowded romantic comedy from Garry Marshall is chock-filled with bad matches — starting from her own with Reed (Ashton Kutcher). The movie opens with her character, Morley, accepting his proposal in the morning and having second thoughts by noon.

Add guys who lie about being married, women who carry secret betrayals through a lifetime of marriage, strangers on a plane, gayness, straightness and some such as Kara (Jessica Biel, a.k.a. the “other Jessica” and a pal of Alba’s) who’ve basically just given up finding a guy, and romance becomes a complex thing.

“This movie shows you that everything isn’t always tied up in a perfect bow, and everything is complicated and life is complicated,” Alba says. “You kind of just have to be true to yourself.”

So... inquiring minds want to know, has Jessica Alba ever turned down a proposal of marriage? “No,” she says, then adds, “I mean, I think someone thought they were proposing. They had no idea. It’s just like ‘You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.’

“We weren’t together that long. When he said it, I was like, ‘Really?’”

In real life, Alba is married to producer Cash Warren, who was a crew member on The Fantastic Four (in which she played Sue Storm) when she shot it in Vancouver. She acknowledges they were friends “for about 10 days” before they became a couple. They have a 19-month-old daughter named Honor Marie.


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